Friday, September 08, 2006

Couples' Niche

Tombed in wall,
statues covered
in the mildew of
afternoons passed
wondering what
what could be done.
The statues were
frozen. Expressions
of contentment
on bodies of deceit.
Crows caw-cawed
and fed on invisible
crumbs on their
slouched shoulders.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fruits Of Labour

They walked
on the horizon,
in the sky.
Pictures pasted
in motion against
the blue, cotton
clouded tapestry
of the world. Soft
white kurta-ed
figures, brown
in patches at
the end of the
sky. Walking
back home.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Pessimist On Tragedy

Tragedy is the
inevitable consequence
of elevating amongst
yours priorities, the
priority of living

Friday, September 01, 2006

Great Friday

I like fridays. They help
me decide how to live
my life. Who to leave,
how to make them leave,
Where to go, do what.
I like fridays. Brings me
news of people being.
Which, in turn, makes
me feel alive. Isn't that
what our lives are supposed
to be like?

Great fucking friday.